Here's a side dish that we rather's more of a guide than a strict recipe.
From your basket:
Swiss chard (we used a full bunch)
Carrots, Sliced (you can use all or just a few depending on how much you want..we used 5)
Pesto (made from goodies in your basket. See the recipe for Basket Pesto) Or use store bought if you prefer.
You'll also need:
Leek x1, Sliced
Garlic cloves, Chopped (we used about 4 because we have no issue with garlic breath in our house but this is down to personal taste)
Goat cheese or feta
Olive oil/ butter
Salt and Pepper
Remove the leaves from the swiss chard and chop the stems into chunks.
Saute the swiss chard stems, carrots and leek in olive oil. When they are getting soft add the garlic and chopped swiss chard leaves. Heat until the greens are wilted.

Season to taste with salt and pepper and add globs of pesto and goats cheese or feta.
